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I sure do love a crazy, inspiring story. My guest Shelene Bryan absolutely brings it!  Shelene left  her successful Hollywood career as a producer, actress and writer and devoted her life to a philanthropic cause on the other side of the planet.  A lot of people talk about doing good and being charitable...most support a cause near and dear to them.  That's usually in the form of attending a gala event or simply writing a check.  And that's great...Not that it's a contest, but what Shelene chose to undertake is truly transforming thousands of lives, including her own! Her journey began when she got on a plane and flew to Africa to see if her $38.00 a month donation was actually helping children in need. Who actually does that? What she found both shocked and inspired her to be an agent of change.  So what makes someone leave a perfectly great career and pursue a life of selflessness and giving? We'll find out on this episode of Brevity Code.

ryan heuser