EP13 (with orange Back).png

It takes a while to truly absorb the physical & mental accomplishments of my guest mountaineer & climber, Bill Burke. You see Bill has climbed "The 7 Summits". (Actually 8 for good measure).  He's successfully summited Everest from both the North and South sides putting him in rare company.  

What makes Bill Burke even more remarkable is that he started climbing when he was 60 years old!  His successful Everest summits came at 67 and 72 years of age!  This makes him the oldest living American to hold this distinction.  Slow down, reread that again and let it soak.  Guys like Bill help us re-imagine what our golden years will look like. Listening to his approach to life and climbing gives us a rare glimpse into the power each one of us holds within ourselves.

There's alot more to Bill than just climbing.  He's a Standford educated lawyer that has practiced law for 45 yrs.  He's been successful at the Supreme Court level, he's been honored with 5 lifetime achievement awards...Heck, he's even had a mountain peak named after him by the Nepalese government, called the Burke Khang which he's attempted 3 times thus far!   After spending time with Bill in and out of our studio session I've personally felt so much more energized and admittedly feeling that I just wasn't doing enough!  

So the next time you're 'Climbing your own Everest' and bitching about your circumstances...Think about Bill, get your ass in gear and finish what you started! 

Brevity Code - EP 13
Ryan Heuser
ryan heuser